
World Book Night 2024 – In Praise of Birds

My latest unique piece of work is a mixed media postcard for WBN United Artists organised by Sarah Bodman and Linda Parr.
The card is 16x11cm and responds to the fairy tale of ‘The Ugly Duckling’ by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, first published in 1843. It is made using an Adler typewriter and the inside of envelopes.
On display:
  • 'In Praise of Birds – World Book Night 2024', Bower Ashton Library of UWE, Bristol, UK 19.04-15.07.2024
  • 'In Praise of Birds – World Book Night 2024' – posters of postcards, Learning Resources Centre, Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Hong Kong, 01.09-31.10,.2024 (Curated by Jessica Ho).
'Ugly' – front

'Ugly' – back

Ambeck's Typographic Bestiary – on display at the British Library
I'm proud and pleased that 'Ambeck's Typographic Bestiary' (2006) is still on display at the British Library as part of Treasures of the British Library in The Sir John Ritblat: Treasures Gallery –
It is in the section: 'Art of the Book', which are artists' books by contemporary female artists and writers from the British Library's collection.

It opened on the 20th of January 2020 and is still there now in 2024.

 The British Library Feb. 3rd 2020 – Photo by M-S D A

The British Library Feb. 3rd 2020 – Photo by M-S D A

Cover Image of 'The Fundamentals of Typography' (2020).

I'm pleased to say the 3rd edition of 'The Fundamentals of Typography' by G. Ambrose, P. Harris & Sallyanne Theodosiou from Bloomsbury was published October 2020.

The cover uses an image of mine featuring the installation: 'Cogs – a Book in the Machine' originally created in 2006 to be displayed in a window of a Canadian gallery. Later it was partly shown at Lönnström Art Museum, Rauma, Finland and at the London College of Communication, School of Graphic Design, staff exhibition: 'Research in Progress: Selected Works from the School of Graphic Design', Eckersley and Lower Street Galleries, London (2006).

In 2010 all 11 cogs were selected to be part of the American exhibition: 'Open Book – an International Survey of Experimental Books' at the Art Department Gallery, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA.

It's now great to see these unique artists' books in action again. (See more here)